Child’s Destiny and Development Organization (CHIDDO) is a non-partisan and non-profitable child focused organization. It was founded on 25/11/2001 bearing the name; Child’s Destiny and Nurture Nature (CHIDANN) and had been changed to its current name; Child’s Destiny and Development Organization (CHIDDO).The primary aim was to address children’s social, economic, spiritual and psychological needs and challenges. CHIDDO was registered by the Ministry of Justice with Registration No: 2,382 and Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (RRC) under Registration No: 231.

How you can help

Number of Volunteers

We are more than one hundred volunteers in various organization programs.

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Number of Programs

We have a number of programs to support. These include among others, Basic Quality Education, Child protection, Health care services.

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Number of Children Supported

Help in breaking the cycle of poverty, improving communities, and empowering the next generation.

Educate A Child


CHIDDO operates in Mayom County of Unity State, working closely with local communities and will extend its humanitarian services to other Counties of Unity Sate in near future plus other States in South Sudan. CHIDDO began its initial activities in 2003 among various South Sudanese denominations whereby a series of trainings had been run for children workers and Church leaders in Nairobi, Kampala & Bentiu respectively with four denominations such as Presbyterian, Catholic, Evangelical Covenant and Episcopal Churches. In Bentiu, it conducted a number of children activities e.g. the celebration of the Day of African Child (DAC) was initiated for the first time in collaboration with the State Ministry of Social Welfare & Development as well as State Ministry of Education in Unity.


Where the
money goes

Current operation and program
spending breakdown

  • Quality Basic Education
  • Child protection
  • Basic Health Care Services
  • Food Security & livelihood
  • Peace Building & Conflict Resolution
  • Water, Sanitation & Hygiene
  • Gender Based Violence Services
  • Basic Nutrition Service
Quality Basic Education
Child protection
Basic Health Care Services
Food Security & livelihood
Peace Building & Conflict Resolution
Water, Sanitation & Hygiene
Gender Based Violence Services
Basic Nutrition Service

Donate Today to Support Child Education

Our Success Stories

In the third week of June 2022, a CHIDDO Education staff visited Mankuai primary school and met Nyelieth Ret Zuor, a mother aged 33 with five children who was learning together with young children was asked: "Why was she sitting with children in the class?. "She replied that, I am learning with my kids. “I want to learn but the distance of the school from my residential area prevented me to go to school. Luckily now, school is just a few meters away from my house, so I decided to join the school" she added. CHIDDO staff responded to her, "go ahead for what you have chosen, but I am wondering you are a house wife who supposed to do house responsibilities and duties. How will you cope up with this? She replied, I have enough time during the day and also the little thing I'll acquire in the school will benefit me in different ways. This will make me different from other women who failed to join the school," she responded. Finally, I thanked her to go to learn in school to cope up with the daily life to: 1). Acquire knowledge to prevent contracting diseases in her family.2). Be able to read and write to help her children's learning by checking their work daily.3). Know how to sign and recognize her name. She promised to continue her education even though she faces difficulties.

Nyelieth Ret Zuor

Nyalok Juor Reidor (28 years old widow) was one of the beneficiaries who received non-food items distributed by CHIDDO WASH team on June 15th 2022, in Bentiu; she was very delighted to receive a very big sleeping mat for the first time. My kids and I used to sleep on an old papyrus before I received a mat from CHIDDO. I had been staying in the town for many months, but I had never received this kind of item from any organization a part from CHIDDO, which came this year. I am a widow and taking care of my two kids. Earlier in the morning, I could go with other women into the river to cut papyrus, which I could dry and sell it to the people who need it. Her village submerged by water and she came and settled in the state capital Bentiu, which was protected by government and NGOs with dyke, she left everything in her home due to flooding that submerged her village during the night time. She said that floodwater submerged her house at night in a small village called Nyieng-Gaatdet, which is a mile away from Bentiu town. Many people were seriously displaced by the flood, Nyalokrun away from there and evacuated her children to Bentiu where she received a sleeping mat provided to her by CHIDDO at her house.

Nyalok Juor Reidor

It was a surprise on 16th June 2022, the newly constructed Temporary Learning Space (TLS) PTA Chairperson in Mankuai primary school in Robkona County of Unity State. PTA Chairperson of the school enrolled in learning together with the schoolchildren in primary one (P 1) class.His full name is Gatkhor Ruot who doubled as a security guard for the same school, age 35 years living together with his wife and children in the IDP Camp decided to sit in primary one ‘A” class amongst the little boys and girls in learning. When asked him by reporter, what are you doing here?, he paused and smile a bit, and replied  by raising up his notebook and a pen“said” I have decided  to open my eyes.  The reporter responded to him, you have made a right decision to join classroom and continue, what about your family, how will you manage?  Gatkhor Ruot once again replied, I will manage with the little that I have and God will do the rest for me.

Gatkhor Ruot

Our News

Education Achievements
Education Achievements

Education Project activities kicked off at the end of (June 2016) in Mayom County, which included:

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Pupils receive scholastic materials.
Pupils receive scholastic materials.

UNICEF, the leading humanitarian organization, is dedicated to improving the lives of underprivileged children worldwide. As part of their ongoing efforts, UNICEF has implemented a program that focuses on providing...

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New School Structures
New School Structures

In an effort to address the critical lack of educational infrastructure for underprivileged children, CHIDDO has taken initiatives to build new school buildings. These buildings serve as safe and conducive

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